Success story


PortIT helps Elviria reinvent investing experience with blockchain solution

From product inception to go-live and beyond, we helped Elviria build a superior blockchain-powered investment platform.

Elviria wanted to build a stand-out investing experience and needed a long-term technology partner.

Elviria gives professional investors a marketplace of selected global investment opportunities in corporates and start-ups, real estates, commodities, and securities. They partnered with us to provide technology and consultancy for their platform.

Our approach

We completely changed the initial UX of the platform from traditional crowdfunding technology to a blockchain-based investment platform which we felt would better support the team’s innovative vision and provide greater transparency, securities, and assurances to its users.


After helping to organise and structure their ideas, we selected third-party integrations that allowed us to tokenise the assets Elviria offers in terms of investments regulated by blockchain technology. The blockchain solution made it easier, and quicker, for Elvira to be Swiss market-ready when they had to align to a new jurisdiction.


Working in close partnership, we delivered a compelling turnkey blockchain investment experience currently not present in their market and sets Elviria apart as an investment platform of choice for modern businesses and investors. We continue to provide enhancements, maintenance and consultancy.

The PortIT technology stack for Elviria

We saved Elviria approximately 6 months of development time by adapting several of our fully customisable existing integrations and modules to meet their requirements.

Investment platform

Thanks to our integrations in the blockchain space, our modern design includes a wallet to store digital assets and a user-friendly interface to launch campaigns, monitor investments and communicate progress. Our built-in workflows enable the buying and selling of digital assets, withdrawal of funds, capturing fees, and supporting back-office operations.

Automated KYC & CaaS

Elviria needed to quickly verify the creditability and authenticity of both its investors and fundraisers in the jurisdiction it was launching in. Our technology paired with our Compliance service automates KYC, AML and due diligence checks in seconds at a global level by interpreting local and international data sources, ensuring continual compliance.

Blockchain integration NFT / equity tokens

Our integrations comply with Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain standards and give Elviria a fast and secure decentralised digital asset network that creates tokens in seconds with real-time notifications at every stage of an investment. Users can safely store assets in an encrypted digital wallet for investment opportunities.

Modular Onboarding

We customised our existing modular onboarding solutions to Elviria’s needs to make onboarding as straightforward as possible for investors and companies at every interaction. It reduced registration drop off’s by 4% and saved a considerable amount of time and resources.


We’ve made it easy to invest in companies or commodities on the Elviria platform and build up an investment portfolio. Our workflows facilitates the buying and selling of equity tokens instead of a traditional approach to funding.

Smart contracts integration

Our existing integration with a third-party provider allowed us to quickly create a set of different smart contracts stored on the blockchain to guarantee the management, safekeeping and access to the tokens. The agreements are triggered throughout the investment process and bring greater security and assurances for all parties.

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